This is our third year serving as a school year and summer mobile pantry. A mobile pantry means we deliver all the foods and no one comes to us. We strategically decided to deliver foods to first Title One Schools and other schools and Section 8 apartments in cities where no weekend food programs were operating. We selected first Lakewood, then Edgewater and Arvada and Wheat Ridge. We have served over 50 schools, apartment complexes, Kids Smart, JSEL, parks, recreation centers, head starts, elementary, middle and high schools, trailer parks. You name it we GO THERE !!
Here are the current school sites and apartments we are delivering to on Thursday for next 39 week school year:
We are helping bring more nutritious foods to 650 children and families at the following schools in Lakewood: Rose Stein, Lasley, Molholm, McLain, Vivian, Lakewood head start, Brady High School, West Gate, Bear Creek K 8, Carmody Middle School, and Deane Elementary. We also serve weekly with our mobile pantry – Metro West housing communities of Lamar Station, Bel Mar, Cedar Grove, 5280, and Maplewood.
Support the children by shopping during our FOOD DRIVES :
We are doing food drives on Wednesday from 930 to 1230 at Kipling and Florida store – 1545 S Kipling Pkwy, Lakewood · (303) 989-8180 We have a shopping list we hand out. Just purchase an item or two while you shopping. These foods will be delivered to the children the next week. We provide weekend nutritious foods to families with a seven item menu each week plus snacks and produce. We appreciate your help. If you would like to learn more and volunteer some Thursday or Friday go to and click on Get Involved. We are looking for volunteers to help at ongoing monthly food drives. Groups are welcome up to 30. Children are also welcome . We are in our third year of providing supplemental foods weekly during school year and summer. Facebook page is Jeffco Eats. Barb Moore Executive Director. Dates for food drives: September 11,18,25. October 2,9,16,23.