Mobile Food Pantry = Jeffco Eats

We serve each week 18 or more mobile locations. We only serve schools and apartment complexes in our program. Our locations are during school year :

  1. Lasley Elementary –  1401 S Kendall Street Lakewood CO 80232

Liaison –  Kimberly Ophaug – 303 982 9729     [email protected]

  • Mulholm Elementary – 6000 W 9th avenue Lakewood CO   303 982 6240 Liaison – Dolores Barela   303 982 6229  [email protected]
  • Emory Elementary – 1275 S Teller Drive Lakewood CO

Liaison – Andrea Syko – 303 982 7381   [email protected]/   . 25 bags

  • Everitt Middle School – 3900 Kipling St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033   (303) 982-1580

Liaison:  [email protected]   303 982 2869

Social Worker – Sarah Booster – 303 982 1521

  • Edgewater Elementary School – 5570 W 24th Ave, Edgewater, CO 80214  (303) 982-6050 Liaison :  Anna Contreras – 303 982 6064   [email protected]/ 45 bags
  • Rose – Stein Elementary – 80 S Teller Street Lakewood CO 303 982 9144Liaison – Melissa Alvarez  303 982 9144   [email protected]

               Liaison: Susana:  [email protected] – Bags and snacks

  • Deane Elementary – 580 S Harlan Ave Lakewood  303 982 9655  Liaison:  Leticia Herman PRODUCE ONLY
  • Bear Creek K 8 –  Amber Smits – 920 265 5806  9601 W Dartmouth Pl, Lakewood, CO 80227 School phone : 303 982 8714
  • Carmody Middle School – 2050 S Kipling St, Denver, CO 80227; 303 982 8930.

        Call Lisa 208 390   0293 or Andrea 303 870 6808

  1. City of Lakewood Head Start Program – , nutrition coordinator, 303 275 3446.  20 bags  address: 7735 W Florida Lakewood CO Sherry Peterson  HEAD START ADMINISTRATOR
  1. Vivian Elementary – Molly Doyle Liaison, 10500 W 25th Ave, Lakewood,                     school 303 982 7670, cell for molly doyle    817.319.7376.      [email protected]   
  1. Lumberg Elementary – 6705 W 22nd Ave, Edgewater, CO 80214 ; school phone 303 982 6182. Liaison [email protected]  phone 303 982 6173. Pilar Castro Reino. PRODUCE ONLY
  2. McLain High – . 13600 W 2nd Pl, Lakewood, CO 80228  Leader: Sheri Randolph  303 668 4466 //[email protected]

      15.      Arvada Head Start –  5150 Allison St, Arvada, CO 80002  720 497 7900

Jean Gore <[email protected]>
Cc: Christopher Cummins <[email protected]>

Section 8 – Metro West Housing Solutions – Danielle Dillon 303 987 7760

  1. Maplewood Apartments- 856 s van Gordon ct Lakewood co Kristi Walsh 7202178139
  1. Bel Mar Groves Apartments – 259 s teller street Lakewood co Becky Sanders 720 214 8134
  1. Marston Point Apartments – 7875 w Mansfield pkwy Lakewood Becky Weidhaas 720 214 8162
  1. Cedar Grove Apartments -Cedar Ave – 6990 W Cedar ave Lakewood Co Kristi Walsh 720214 8138
  1. 5800 Apartments – 5800 W Alameda Avenue Lakewood CO, 720 214 7324 or 303 987 7328   Emmanuel brito, manager, martha is assistant and Anya works front desk area.

the day they get the sacks in best day of the week

“heard from Amber that some kids tell her that the day they get the sacks is the best day of the week because they get food! “

Why would you want to support Jeffco Eats, because we are bottom line helping kiddos every day not be hungry… these are real children with real hunger. this school is in Lakewood and is k through 8 and not a title one school.

Food in picture is fresh foods we give to school cooking classes to learn to cook and get to eat…this is a high school in Lakewood

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Serve Share Love

We are serving and sharing and loving our community together each week.

Jeffco Eats has made progress this year in developing a sound base of Volunteers for driving and packing and Leadership.

Check us out on Guide Star

We will be dedicating much hard work to creating stronger relationships with corporations and monthly supporters.

Food Insecurities have shifted to where schools are asking us for emergency foods and after school foods and during the week hunger issues. When you go beyond WEEKEND FOOD NEEDS which is 42 % of 21 meals a week – you must raise more financial support to meet these weekly increasing needs.

We started to get additional truck loads of food each month now which is 20 percent more food to SHARE. Your love and our love for the children will bring results to end this hunger, not just talk.

We have a brand new website and a new volunteer platform to make signing up easier.

It is approximately $4 per week for weekend food shares per child/family. To now provide snacks and emergency foods we will have a strategic campaign to meet the cries and needs of the children and families. Join our monthly donor group today: 12 x s a year is what we need to grow in serving, sharing and love for the hungry kiddos.

Count on Me – monthly donors

Our children need 50 people to step up to become part of the COUNT ON ME group.  You know how children know who they can count on.  So its easy to become one of those people for our children who receive food each week. Some are homeless, most have parents who work two jobs and are often not home at moments when they are needed.  Become a history maker and sign up today for COUNT ON ME – monthly donor group. 

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We need to raise $5,000 a month or $60,000 a year through regular monthly donations to keep up with hunger needs which are expanding each week. These hunger needs arising are more than weekend foods, they are hunger or food insecurity events during the day for many many children. They miss breakfast, they have no lunch, they are hungry after school before they go home to no dinner.  We have to be the ones they say, I can COUNT ON YOU.  

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CHOICES is how we serve

Today for our program schools and apartments we have totes for hope bags 8 items, baking supplies, carrots, apples, and fresh foods and frozen for some school kitchens… please help us keep choices for our children and families by donating.

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