August 20th Tuesday . We will receive 10 percent of total sales for the day. So save your weekly or special shopping to help children eat this school year. Please SHARE THIS POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA so we can tell the children the good news of how the community loves and supports them.

Lucky’s Community Impact Program is an ongoing endeavor to create lasting change in the communities we serve. This means we support projects, organizations, and initiatives that focus on healthy communities, youth & education, sustainability and resilience.

3545 Wadsworth Blvd. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 | Phone Number: 303-423-0939 | Store Hours: 7:00 AM-10:00 PM
Nourishing our communities and the individuals within it. We aim to enhance the lives of our community members through cooking classes, nutrition education, literacy services, and health and wellness programs. Through these partnerships, we hope to work together to develop new skills and improve the overall health of our communities.
Keeping our planet healthy one garden at a time. We actively work to support local agriculture, conservation, and education efforts in our communities. We’re also known to get our hands dirty with our neighbors to restore trails and bike paths, build gardens, and plant trees. Together, we want to keep our planet healthy – after all, we only have one!