Typical Weekend Jeffco Food “Eats” Sack

Our weekend food sacks are healthy and follow the USDA daily plate nutritional menu items.  Title One children receive breakfast, lunch and sometimes after school snacks Monday to Friday. It is real hunger needs for too many students we are reducing. We provide shelf stable foods, produce and snacks. We occasionally provide dairy items .  

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Weekly menu in a weekend food sack:

Orange juice, crackers,rice,green beans,fruit cocktail,tomatoes,chili.

Mac and Cheese,pinto beans,pineapple,soup,peanut butter,crackers,orange juice,tomatoes.

Jelly,spaghetti sauce, spaghetti, shake, creme of mushroom soup,diced tomatoes,peas.

Corn or carrots,oranges,tomato soup,diced tomatoes,peanut butter,mac and cheese, toaster pastries.

We do provide some weeks up to 30 percent organic items. We do provide fresh produce and dairy products to a portion of our schools.

We provide snack bags that are healthy only by request of healthy schools Jeffco.

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