We believe in diversity and strong community collaboration to reduce suffering. Sandy Neumayr has been our School Relations Liaison for several years and has strengthened our communications and quick response to asks and needs by the Title One School Engagement Liaisons, Social Workers, Principals, and teachers and nurses.
There is quite a bit of turnover among school Liaisons, but despite all obstacles we believe in advancing food justice and being responsive as best we can logistically and financially to “true needs and wants” by our precious children and families we have the honor of serving weekly.
We will feature some behind the scenes work we do to change up what menus we use and pantry foods we provide.
“Once a week every Thursday , the families of Rose Stein are invited to go pick up food. At 11:30 am Deb Kroll and her husband comes to Rose Stein with a truck to deliver food.”
2 stories :
A family from Rose Stein that once was in a hard financial situation helps every Thursday picking up food for other families. Mom goes with her kid to drop off bags of food to other families doors from our school that are in need.
A family from Guatemala just arrived 2 months ago, single mom with 3 kids from elementary . Mom is working in construction at night, with the corona virus going on . Kids are eating from the snacks(no need to cook) and food pantry items (easy to elaborate). Facing all off this changes in 2 months of arrival really treasure the food that the school with help of this program provides.
Melissa Alvarez Lizano Rose Stein Elementary Jeffco Public Schools – Title l Family Engagement Liaison Phone: (303) 982-9109 [email protected] 80 S Teller St, Lakewood, CO 80226
This week we will be bringing cases of fresh tortillas from Tortillas Mexico Denver which families love. A few weeks ago we brought to families locally grown pinto beans from Northern Bean Greely Colorado.
SCHOOL PANTRIES – Sandy Neumayr and Deb Kroll and other volunteers take hours behind the scenes ordering and packing school pantry boxes. These boxes contain high quality protein items, items requested, produce and snacks.
Bear Creek K 8 – Bear Creek High – collaboration between Bridge Church and Social worker and Jeffco Eats to provide groceries and produce and snacks.
West Woods Elementary – We supported their Christmas shop and provided hand made blankets by our Advisory member Paula Redig. We provide lots of food for their food hub.
Molholm Elementary – Principal/Director: Andrew Schrant – They had two liasions only work a short time and Principal Andrew stepped up during COVID to help establish a safe way to provide foods in drive through manner at the school.
Brady High – Jefferson Mental Health – The Road – We provide snacks and specific foods high schoolers ask for including body wash etc. Elena Silvestrini and Jacqueline Coyle advise us on how reducing food insecurities helps their mental health.
McLane High – Jeannie Stongle – Career Development Coordinator – We provide gratis tables on each floor of the high school and include fresh fruits and yogurts on occasions along with requested snacks like beef jerky and grab and go foods.
Foothills Foodies – Bernadette Marquez – We recently brought them four cases of sweet potatoes and some much wanted oatmeal.
Emory Elementary is building a hub to provide food and clothes and toiletries. It is a collaboration between faith community and service organizations and non profits. We sprang into action with Pastor Mike Hooven to keep foods coming along with Maria.
Maria E. MalochBilingual Family Engagement Liaison
Asesora de Compromiso Familiar
Emory Elementary
Phone: 303-982-7243
Email: [email protected]